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 YOU ARE DEAD!   (points: 3/10)

You are dead.

Your soul floats above your body, watching in helplessness as the troll repeatedly beats your corpse. It flops around like a rag doll, and the only thing you can think is that rag doll physics make everything better. When it dawns on you that it's your body folded over into itself, and that's your knee currently wrapped around your head, well, you kind of wish your body would just disappear after ten seconds like the good old days.


In your immaterial state, there's not much you can do but wait around to see where death takes you next.


Time passes...

You feel a sudden pull from above as a strong white light descends upon you. Seeing as you are in a cave, deep below the surface, you wonder whether or not the designers considered such things before putting in such an illogical special effect, but hey, it's a game. It's like magic light or something. Yup, rag doll physics and magic light. So far, death has been kinda stupid.


Time passes...

Your body lifts off the floor, slowly at first but increases speed quickly. The acceleration in unreal as your immaterial soul shoots through the heavens. Looking down, you can see the ugly white house, the forest that the ugly white house is in, the state the forest the ugly white house is in, the continent that the state the forest the ugly white house is in, the hemisphere that the continent that the state the forest the ugly white house is in, the earth that houses the hemisphere that the continent that the state the forest the ugly white house is in, and finally nothing but blackness at the earth faints into the distance.


Time passes...

Still flying through the cosmos. Wherever it is that your going, it's really far away.


Time passes...

Was that Saturn? Nah. It was probably just Uranus.


Time passes...

Finally, you see a pin point of light in the direction you are flying. It's too small to make out right now. At this early stage, you make a guess as to what exactly the light could be. You think it is a cat.


Time passes...

Your destination becomes more clear. It is not a planet, but a giant gas of white light. Almost like... clouds...


Time passes...

You shoot through the white magic space clouds at a breakneck speed. Without warning, you stop. If you were already dead, undoubtedly, the stop would've given you whiplash. You wonder if you are allowed to sue people when you are dead. Probably not. Can you imagine how many lawsuits there would be if dead people could sue? Hospitals would have to stop accepting sick people to avoid the financial liability.


You are at your destination now. You can wait all you like. You're dead and your immaterial soul is eternal. And I'm a computer. It's not like you are going to annoy me.


I know what you are trying to do and it's not going to work. I'm a computer. I compute. I do things like round off the the nearest thousandth digit. I can search the internet at near light speeds for naked pictures of celebrities. You can download illegal music and movies on me. I do not get annoyed. I am a tool.... that came out wrong.


Oh, for the love of Jesus Herbert Christ, will you do something else!!!!


The Clouds
You are standing, or rather floating would be more appropriate, in a bank of clouds. Space clouds. It's all white and shiny and pretty much what you expect heaven to look like. Wait a second! Is this heaven? There is something off faintly visible to the north.


St. Peter's Gate
You are standing before a giant golden gate, adorned on all sides by tiny fat cherubs playing harps. There is nothing to either side of the gate, which makes you wonder what the gate is for, since you could just go around it. But that would be too obvious. You are standing, dead as a doornail, in a bank of space clouds. It's probably a space gate. The gate is currently closed.

There is a small, bookish man here standing at a podium. He is reading a large book. He has not noticed your arrival.


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