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 Living Room   (points: 1/10)

You are standing in the living room of the big white house. Or perhaps it is the family room. You really aren't sure what exactly the social norms are that dictate one term over and above the other, but there's a television and a couch here, so it's that room. The one with the tv.
On the floor is a surprisingly tasteful throw rug.


It's one of those old tvs from back before cable. It's got a dial that goes from channels 2 to 13, and an addition U channel to be used with the second dial, broken off and lost forever. Where did channel 1 go? And what's with the U stuff? Why not just make a dial with more numbers on it? Some mysteries aren't worth solving.


You do a sultry dance with much gyration in the pelvic area, but alas, the tv doesn't swing that way. You try again, this time paying more attention to the buttocks area. The tv remains motionless, but you think it's just playing hard to get.


You stare intently at it. If it makes a sudden move, you'll know. Oh yes. You'll know.


You snuggle closely up to the set and whisper sweet nothings into its antennae. You're not really looking for a relationship right now. You just want to numb the pain. If only Sally were watching, she'd be really jealous.


Despite this being an old, abandoned house, it surprisingly and perhaps a little conveniently still has working electricity. It takes a moment for the set to warm up and show an image. It's a tv show in which people apparently dance with celebrities, though you can't recognize any of them. Apparently, television executives have a similar respect for the definition of words as the builder of this house.


The dial breaks off the tv at your touch and rolls under the couch.


You start smoking.


You click the knob and the television turns off. It takes a few moments for the dying ghostly image to fade.


It is a surprisingly tasteful rug. Or, at least, it would be in the right setting. As it is, it is in an ugly room surrounded by ugly furniture. You'd think this place was designed for a show on the Home and Garden Channel. It's that ugly. But the rug itself is very nice. Too nice. Suspiciously nice. There is a small lump in the carpet.


You try to smooth out the lump, but find the lump to be quite stubborn. You hope it isn't carpet cancer.


Aha! You knew that rug was suspicious. Hidden under it was a large wooden trap door. The lump was caused by a large metal padlock chained to the trap door, making entry impossible.


To your complete surprise, it is shaped like Hello Kitty. You insert the key into a small hole where Hello Kitty's mouth should be. You imagine the process of unlocking the padlock would be vaguely disturbing, if not outright pornographic.


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